1. Best Family Games
  2. Card Games
  3. Phase 10

Phase 10 - The Fun Family Card Game

Learn all about the classic card game Phase 10 and why it's a great choice for family fun. Find out the rules, strategies, and much more.

Phase 10 - The Fun Family Card Game

Phase 10 is a fun and exciting card game that's perfect for the whole family to enjoy! It's easy to learn and can provide hours of entertainment. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, Phase 10 is sure to be a hit with both young and old alike. Players take turns trying to complete ten different phases as they draw and discard cards. The first player to complete all ten phases wins the game! Phase 10 is a great way to get the whole family together for some quality time.

It's easy to learn and provides hours of entertainment. Plus, there are lots of different variations and strategies that can be used to make the game more interesting. So, if you're looking for a fun way to spend some time with your family, Phase 10 is the perfect choice!Phase 10 is a card game developed in 1982 by Kenneth Johnson. It's similar to rummy, but with some unique twists.

The goal of the game is to be the first player to complete 10 distinct phases. Each phase has a different set of cards that must be collected before progressing. To win the game, players must complete each phase in order. There are several different versions of Phase 10 available.

The original version is designed for two to six players, while the Masters Edition is designed for two to four players. There are also spin-off games such as Phase 10 Dice and Phase 10 Twist.Players start the game by drawing cards until they have 10 cards in their hand. The remaining cards become a draw pile, from which players can draw more cards if needed. The first player then starts by laying down any set of cards that match the current phase.

For example, if the phase is two sets of three, the player can lay down two sets of three of a kind. Players must then take turns drawing and discarding cards in an effort to complete their phase. When a player completes their phase, they can move on to the next one. However, if other players have not completed their phase yet, they must wait for them to do so before moving on.

The first player to complete all 10 phases wins the game. There are several strategies that can be used when playing Phase 10. Knowing when to hold onto cards and when to discard them is key to success. Players should also pay attention to what other players are doing and look for opportunities to block them from completing their phases. Phase 10 is an exciting card game that's great for family game night. It's easy to learn and provides hours of entertainment for players of all ages. With its unique twists and strategies, it's sure to provide plenty of fun for everyone!


When playing Phase 10, there are several strategies that can help you win.

Knowing when to hold onto cards and when to discard them is key to success. Paying attention to what other players are doing and looking for opportunities to block them from completing their phases can also give you an edge.


RulesThe rules of Phase 10 are fairly simple: each player starts with 10 cards in their hand and must try to create sets or runs in order to complete each phase before the other players. Players can draw cards from either the draw pile or the discard pile, and must discard one card after each turn. The first player to complete all 10 phases wins the game. Phase 10 is an exciting and engaging card game that's perfect for family game night.

The rules are easy to learn and the strategies make it fun for players of all ages. With its unique twists and strategies, Phase 10 will keep everyone entertained for hours!Phase 10, classic card game, family game night, unique twists, strategies.

Alexa Bouchard
Alexa Bouchard

Incurable coffee practitioner. Hardcore internet junkie. Hipster-friendly burrito enthusiast. Professional coffee buff. General food enthusiast. Friendly tv junkie.